Free App Maker - The process and design

As a content marketing firm, we are constantly talking to our clients about maximizing digital content. Our clients are constantly talking about getting a mobile app. Understanding the need for mobile aspects of marketing we have recently spent some time searching for an app maker and have endorsed the free app maker at appsbar to our clients. Initially, we thought of hiring a developer or programmer to build apps for our clients but realized that a professional app maker wouldn't be cost effective for us, mostly because our small business clients wouldn't be able to handle our charges to offset that cost. We needed a free app maker. As you can imagine we encountered more than one app maker on the web. We even encountered a handful of free app maker sites that, after in depth research, we discovered would cost a small fortune on a per client basis. Again, the hue and cry among our client base was for mobile apps and if we were going to remain viable we needed to be able to deliver.

This is where appsbar came to the rescue, a free app maker loaded with features and benefits that is device agnostic and completely free. We have developed several apps already with this app maker and they work, they look like custom apps, and they are available for instant download on a free app market.

With this app maker, the procedure is extremely easy and allows the user to build quickly and efficiently. For our group of marketing geniuses, admittedly with barely enough tech know-how to open email, the process was without any anxiety. It may be just as easy as opening email. The app maker comes with a persistent little wizard called “Digi” that pops up and keeps you on the right path. In fact, it was so easy to develop with this app maker that our staff dispersed and began building apps for a variety of clients right then and there. It was amazing to watch them work away, again without any coding skills and the watching the app develop in the browser. The fee app maker is fairly custom-friendly as we witnessed with loading in company logos and adjusting color schemes to stay consistent with the brands we have been helping to promote. While this was all going on I decided to build an app for our own content marketing firm and I have to say, I had a lot of fun doing it. It was particularly satisfying when I turned on my Android device and my own company logo was on the phone.

As it turns out, the apps are also pretty functional, as we have been able to use PayPal to have one of the apps accept purchases and we can also load videos for another one of our clients who rely heavily on YouTube content.

We are looking forward to developing more apps for our clients through the free app maker at appsbar. It has become a valuable part of our toolbox that we can offer to clients and it has also become one of the primary ways we market ourselves. 


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