
Showing posts with the label Building HTML5 Apps

Building an HTML5 App - Your next step towards the future of mobile industry

Applications for mobiles have become an integral factor of every handset. Not only mobiles, even i-phones, i-pods, PC tablets, smartphones have showed huge dependency on apps. The various types of apps are developed by app makers who try to generate different kinds of apps to help the users in performing various activities. Initially, the app makers used Java and other programming languages depending upon the user interface. Android smart phones developed by Google used Java and XML files for writing codes. Similarly Windows phones and Apple Ipods used their own programming language. The SDK or Software Development Kits were used in writing and encoding various types of apps; but when HTML5 was launched in the market, it left the others far behind. The applications rapidly switched over to this programming language. Today we will understand how to build an HTML5 app for the end users and target audience who are always waiting to be swept away in the world of apps. HTML5 App buil...

Building HTML 5 Apps - The next generation apps

HTML5 Apps are undoubtedly treated as the best next generation apps. Nowadays mobile apps are created using HTML5 by the app building tool because of its varied advantages. HTML5 can be used across all devices and app builders can use this to make apps for ipads, Iphones and Android smart phones. In today’s world apps have become one of the most powerful mobile marketing devices. People who are into business can easily communicate with their clients and also acquire new ones through the apps. They can make apps and publish their products, launch, and do many such things through a single app. HTML5 App builder can efficiently create apps which can be used across all platforms. HTML 5 is the latest version of the HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the language used for writing codes on the Internet. HTML5 is a new revised edition of the basic HTML. Unlike its predecessors, HTML5 is a totally complete visual Integrated Development Environment which is compatible with all se...

Build HTML5 App - A great idea to earn money

In the old days if you had a product to market or an event to promote you took an ad out in the paper, or tacked a poster on to a telephone pole. The days of the sandwich board on the street corner gave way to internet marketing with banner ads and spam email. Now the “ Build HTML5 app ” crowd is getting their due thanks to an online platform that teaches you how to build an HTML5 app. So while it seems on the surface that grassroots marketing efforts like the ones mentioned above have gone the way of the rotary phone, in a sense the mobile marketing to smartphone efforts promoted by the “ Build HTML5 app ” crowd is really a grassroots affair. When you learn how to build an HTML5 app you are essentially replacing the website with a more mobile form of marketing and promotion. As technology evolves, and smart phones replaces laptops and desktops as the way we consumer media and absorb information, it is allowing small businesses to actually get back to more basic grassroots ca...

Windows App Builder

Has your smartphone been “Smoked by Windows?” Despite claims by Microsoft that its Windows phones have beaten thousands of phones in various tests conducted since the CES earlier this year, developers haven’t been quick to adapt. That’s what makes the official release of appsbar, the device-agnostic app builder, such a boon for owners of  Nokia, Lumia, and the new Windows Phone 7. The marketing campaign for the Windows phone claims 50,675 devices have been "smoked" by one of their phones and conclude that 98 percent of the tests contrived by the company prove the device’s superiority. In all, only a relative handful of phones (638) outperformed. Still, a recent survey shows that developers aren’t jumping on board to build native apps for the Microsoft superstar. The survey was published by IDC and suggests that at least 80 percent of developers surveyed planned to incorporate HTML5 code into their mobile apps during 2012, but just 6 percent said they were comfor...