Building an HTML5 App - Your next step towards the future of mobile industry
Applications for mobiles have become an integral factor of every handset. Not only mobiles, even i-phones, i-pods, PC tablets, smartphones have showed huge dependency on apps. The various types of apps are developed by app makers who try to generate different kinds of apps to help the users in performing various activities. Initially, the app makers used Java and other programming languages depending upon the user interface. Android smart phones developed by Google used Java and XML files for writing codes. Similarly Windows phones and Apple Ipods used their own programming language. The SDK or Software Development Kits were used in writing and encoding various types of apps; but when HTML5 was launched in the market, it left the others far behind. The applications rapidly switched over to this programming language. Today we will understand how to build an HTML5 app for the end users and target audience who are always waiting to be swept away in the world of apps. HTML5 App buil...