
Showing posts with the label free app maker

Your free kit to app making

In the modern era, apps have become a strong tool for marketing. Different types of apps are getting created everyday by thousands of apps makers worldwide. Previously apps were used as a tool to organize and make things easier in mobiles; but nowadays apps are used everywhere to create music, games, and for other purposes. Earlier the apps were created with a vision to streamline users' daily activities but nowadays apps are being created by individuals to promote music, events, books and for countless other activities. App making is a serious business which requires lot of hard work, passion and a creative mind. The app makers conceive the idea of app making but the actual apps are developed by app developers. The apps makers need not be software professionals writing software programming codes. They have to hire professional app developers who charge quite a hefty amount for writing the codes. This increases the budget of the app design. Although there are free app making...

Android App maker - A good opportunity

App making is one of the most beneficial career options for thousands of app makers who wish to make it big in the world of app making. Nowadays, mobiles, smartphones and iPods are filled with innovative and lucrative apps. The desire of becoming a successful app maker is the dream of every app maker, but it is only a few who can create a name for themselves in the app making world. Nowadays, one of the easiest ways to become a popular app maker is by designing and creating android apps. The android app makers are highly in demand in the market because of the immense popularity of android smart phones. Making an android app is usually popular among android app makers because they can develop the app and distribute it without any approval. Android being an open source platform of Google, the app makers do not necessarily require the approval to develop an app. The android app makers take the help of the Software Kit of Android to create their app. The skilled android app develo...

App maker - Create a niche for yourself in the app making world

Every app maker has a dream that revolves in his/ her mind - How to make the most popular and the best selling app, in the app making world? Well, for an app maker to earn a name or fame one has to follow certain condition which has to be followed diligently. The first criterion that requires the app to be on the popular category is that, the app should be a rich, personalized and one which can easily catch the eye. The app making world is moving at a very fast pace. Every day millions of apps are getting introduced all over the world. The best way to get noticed in the app making world is to create an app that will appeal to the customers as well as serve the necessity professionally. First let’s understand how to make an app . The app maker who wants to make an app should design the app, write the programming codes and lastly use graphics, colors and music to make it catchy and sell it in the app store to make money out of it. There are also other conditions which need ...

Free app builder makes your dream fulfilled

You can well develop ways and means to develop app freely through your own efforts. App building is as such a good business. If you can learn it with proficiency you can open your own business and make money out of it. If you hold website you can incorporate various advertisement within it. The website becomes a source of money itself by renting out space and advertisement. Free apps means to promote your website in freely using the space for advertisement within the website. To get those things in smart phone is a part of app building. This will help you to bring loyalty of web visitors. You can also make your content available to your website visitors through a new avenue. App business is really a promising business and there is no reason to let you left behind. Even you are not making business out of it yet you can get enough creative pleasure. Free app builder really help fresher in mobile app building. Making your own application based on your own ideas with friend, families an...

Free App Maker - The process and design

As a content marketing firm, we are constantly talking to our clients about maximizing digital content. Our clients are constantly talking about getting a mobile app. Understanding the need for mobile aspects of marketing we have recently spent some time searching for an app maker and have endorsed the free app maker at appsbar to our clients. Initially, we thought of hiring a developer or programmer to build apps for our clients but realized that a professional app maker wouldn't be cost effective for us, mostly because our small business clients wouldn't be able to handle our charges to offset that cost. We needed a free app maker. As you can imagine we encountered more than one app maker on the web. We even encountered a handful of free app maker sites that, after in depth research, we discovered would cost a small fortune on a per client basis. Again, the hue and cry among our client base was for mobile apps and if we were going to remain viable we ...

Android App Maker Free

Hands down Google has led our tech tastes since they first launched as an organizer of the Internet – and what they have done with apps is no different. The app evolution, and appsbar as an Android app maker for free , would not have been possible without Google’s dedication to an ecosystem where with  just a few mouse clicks and anyone could build and publish an app. Appsbar makes it fast and easy to create Android apps – and users don’t require any programming and tech skills whatsoever. As a matter of fact, to use appsbar as a drag and drop app builder, all anyone needs is an email address! Appsbar also lets anyone build Apple (iOS apps) for free – but as an app building tool, an app builder for Windows, the Android fan community has helped launch appsbar 10 Google Play stardom (with over 12 million app launches in under one year)! Google turned Android Market, and then Google Play, into a rich, open-source community where apps were easy to submit and easy to ...

Free App Maker

The site was a recent analyst’s conference in Boston, the seat of the current innovation economy and home to a burgeoning tech corridor. With appsbar, a free app maker for Android, iOS, Blackberry, and Windows phones coming out of a year-long beta, founder Scott Hirsch was asked about the potential revenue streams for the service. “I would prefer we maintain a commitment to quality,” said Hirsch, “rather than a rush to revenue.” Hirsch’s service is free and will remain so as part of his quest and unique vision for the “crowd-sourcing of app development.” Appsbar was founded in April of 2011, initially offering app development services for iOS and Android phones before adding Blackberry, Windows, and HTML5 services as well. Before coming out of beta, just a few days after the aforementioned conference, appsbar had become the top publisher of apps on Google Play and has already serviced over 100,000 users. Appsbar opens up the mobile marketing category for small and ...