A brief overview on app building - Easy to build app for my company

As the marketing / PR director for a small, independent music label, I was charged with promoting our artists on a very limited budget. Without any background in the technical aspects of the web, but understanding how digital marketing and social was gaining momentum for bands, I set out looking for an easy to build app for my company. I came across appsbar and have been almost like an evangelist ever since.

Again, I was just looking for an easy to build app for my company but feel like I have found the next big thing. This technology is already having an impact on the music community. Remember how mp3s and things like MySpace empowered independent musicians? The ability to develop a free mobile app will make those things as irreverent as nailing concert posters to telephone poles.

For both budding musicians and established bands, this could signify a dream come true; a quick and efficient way of connecting with an audience who, distanced so far from the compact disc age, may just utilize smartphone apps to bridge the commercial gap created by the brave new world of the digital age.

But before we get into that, let me tell you more about my search for that elusive easy to build app for my company. The web-based tools were clunky, and even the ones that seemed to have potential would send me through a maze of protocols before I could even begin. I even ended up in a service chat, typing over and over “I need to find an easy to build app for my company” to no avail.

When I came across appsbar, the search for the easy to build app for my company was over. Fast, functional, and free. We built an app for the label, an app for each of our three signed artists, and set up the PayPal function to start generating revenue.

For our independent label, the app really became a near perfect complement to YouTube, Myspace and Facebook to promote our music. In some ways it’s the next generation. You can upload your music, videos, photos, tour schedule, create a fan club and have your app featured on iTunes for free. Also, mobile apps allow a richer fuller experience and more interaction with fans than a static webpage, so we've really moved to the point that we are empowering our musicians.

The road to that easy to build app for my company ended with a label showcase. Using the collective social networks of our artists, and the network that grew from the social sharing of our app, we were able to drum up enough advanced support to rent out a theater and promote a label showcase featuring our roster.

The night of the event was a huge success, selling out in advance through the mobile app. We were also able to use the app to incentivize those in attendance to purchase downloads, buy merchandise, and spread the word about the event on their networks.


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